Welcome to the Money Vehicle Movement!!
For years people have been asking 'Why don't they teach money in school?'
For years this has gone unanswered, but not anymore.
Money Vehicle is on a mission to empower students to speak the language of money and start their financial plans.
We do not sell products or market partners, we have only ONE GOAL:
Help you become financially literate.
Money Vehicle Journey
This program is built off translating the language of money and it begins with the title - Money Vehicle.
We will use this analogy as each chapter is a stop on your journey and represents a new piece of Your Money Vehicle.
U - Understand
Money Vehicle wants you to understand the language of money.
S -Strategy
Money Vehicle wants you to build a strategy for your money.
E - Efficient
Money Vehicle wants to show you how to be efficient with your money.
Hi, I'm Jedidiah Collins CFP®
15 Years ago I walked into the NFL and received my first paycheck. Well received and spent is more like it.
Even thought I was a Business Major, no one had ever taught me how to USE Money.
From that day I set out on a mission to empower myself to become financially literate and have made it my life mission to empower others, like YOU!
Example Curriculum
- 2.1 The Cost of Money (11:57)
- 3.2 Create Habits, Achieve Success (7:11)
- 3.3 Money Buckets: 5 Choices with your Paycheck (23:54)
- Part 3: The Monster Eating Your Money - Inflation (6:18)
- 4.1 The Business of Banking (7:43)
- 4.2 Today and Tomorrow Accounts (9:05)
- 4.3 Banking Rules (14:57)
- Chapter 3 Recap-(Exam) (1:32)
- Chapter 4-Recap (Exam) (1:32)